Thursday 26 November 2015

How to log error message in Drupal 8 (watchdog in druapl 8)

hook_watchdog() and watchdog() removed

in drupal 8

In Drupal 8 watchdog has been refactored to an OO, PSR-3 compatible framework.
In the paragraphs below, a "channel" refers to what used to be the $type argument to watchdog(). For logging you would have done with simple watchdog() statements in Drupal 7, look at the example for injecting a specific channel.
The switch to PSR-3 logging has resulted in the following API changes:
  1. hook_watchdog() is gone. For a module to implement a logger, it has to register a service tagged as logger. eg

        class: Drupal\mylog\Logger\MyLog
          - { name: logger }
    This class must implement \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. like this:
    namespace Drupal\mylog\Logger;
    use Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLoggerTrait;
    use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
    class MyLog implements LoggerInterface {
      use RfcLoggerTrait;
       * {@inheritdoc}
      public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) {
        // Do stuff
  2. watchdog($type, $message, $variables, $severity, $link) has been removed in favor of \Drupal::logger($type)->log($severity, $message, $variables)
    // Logs a notice
    watchdog('my_module', $message, array());
    // Logs an error
    watchdog('my_module', $message, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);

    D8 - procedural
    // Logs a notice
    // Logs an error

    D8 - injecting the whole factory
        class: Drupal\mymodule\MyService
        arguments: ['@logger.factory']

    class MyService {
      public function __construct($factory) {
        $this->loggerFactory = $factory;
      public function doStuff() {
        // Logs a notice to "my_module" channel.
         // Logs an error to "my_other_module" channel.
    D8 - injecting a specific channel
    Drupal core registers only one channel in for "system" channel.
    There might be cases where you don't want to inject the whole factory to your class, but just a specific channel.
    In that case you can easily register this channel with something like this:
        parent: logger.channel_base
        arguments: ['mymodule']

    And then inject to your services.
        class: Drupal\mymodule\MyService
        arguments: ['']

    class MyService {
      public function __construct($logger) {
        $this->logger = $logger;
      public function doStuff() {
        // Logs a notice.
         // Logs an error.
  3. WATCHDOG_* constants and watchdog_severity_levels() are removed
    $severity = WATCHDOG_EMERGENCY;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_ALERT;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_CRITICAL;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_ERROR;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_WARNING;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_INFO;
    $severity = WATCHDOG_DEBUG;
    $levels = watchdog_severity_levels();

    use Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLogLevel;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::EMERGENCY;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::ALERT;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::CRITICAL;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::ERROR;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::WARNING;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::NOTICE;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::INFO;
    $severity = RfcLogLevel::DEBUG;
    $levels = RfcLogLevel::getLevels();

 Source :